Covid-19 Vaccination Protocol - OHGHA Update, News (Oakville Hornets)

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Sep 21, 2021 | Marketing | 1117 views
Covid-19 Vaccination Protocol - OHGHA Update
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on all aspects of our life, including sport. The Oakville Hornets Girls Hockey Association (OHGHA) understands the importance of hockey to our members, and is committed to keeping the health and safety of our players, parents and staff a top priority.

We understand that there is considerable uncertainty among our membership regarding COVID-19 protocols.  The purpose of this message is to set out the rules that will apply to players, coaches, spectators and other participants at OHGHA events (i.e. practices, games, events, etc…).  These rules will be subject to change as developments mandate.


The OHGHA is governed by Ontario Womens Hockey Association (OWHA).  In addition, OHGHA events must follow the laws and regulations set forth by the Province of Ontario and the Town of Oakville.


The OHGHA intends to strictly comply with all COVID-19 protocols established by the applicable level of government.  However, the rules enacted by the Province of Ontario and the Town of Oakville contain several significant differences.  As a result, the set of COVID-19 protocols which govern a particular OHGHA event will depend upon the rules applicable to the host facility: the Town of Oakville’s protocols will apply to events staged at Town of Oakville recreational facilities; privately-owned facilities will apply their own respective protocols.  These rules are summarized below.  In addition, OHGHA events outside the Town of Oakville may be subject to a different set of protocols applicable to the local municipality. 


Town of Oakville Facilities


The Town of Oakville’s facilities affected by the below Covid-19 protocols can be found here – Town of Oakville’s Facilities


The following correspondence from the Town of Oakville describes the COVID-19 protocols that will apply to OHGHA events occurring in Town of Oakville facilities:

Vaccination Requirements

  • In compliance with provincial direction, as of September 22, 2021, all individuals aged 12 years or older must provide identification and proof of full COVID-19 vaccination (or medical exemption) to access recreation and culture facilities to:
  • Participate in a drop-in activity, registered program or organized sport 
  • Attend a facility rental
  • Watch/supervise a game or activity
  • Use the washrooms or visit customer service

Proof of vaccination requirements

  • Individuals are considered fully vaccinated after receiving the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine or combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organization (e.g. two doses of a two-dose vaccine series, or one dose of a single-dose vaccine series, plus 14 days from last shot).
  • Proof of vaccination will be required at entry, along with photo identification, such as a driver’s licence or health card that has your full name and date of birth. You can print or download a vaccination receipt from the provincial booking portal or call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900 An enhanced digital vaccine receipt is expected from the Province of Ontario as of October 22.

When you arrive at the Town of Oakville’s recreation and culture facilities You will notice some changes beginning tomorrow, September 22, 2021. A screener will be waiting to greet you at the facility entrance. The Town of Oakvilles’ COVID-19 health screening form and screening questions will be accessible on site. We encourage you to continue screening before arriving at the facility. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.

The screener will ask to see identification. If the individual is:

  • 11 years or under, they will be directed to proceed to customer service to verify health screening
  • 12 years or over, they will be required to show proof of vaccination and identification (or medical exemption) and then directed to proceed to customer service to verify health screening.


Privately-Owned Facilities


Privately-owned facilities are not subject to the Town of Oakville COVID-19 protocols described above. OHGHA events hosted by privately-owned facilities will comply with the rules set forth by those facilities, subject to applicable law.  For example, we understand that Canlan Sports will be implementing Proof of Vaccination the following controls, as required by the Province’s Reopening Ontario Act:


  • Adult Leagues, Programs, and Contracts:All participants, game officials, and timekeepers for an adult recreational sports league or program (including the ASHL, and contract rentals) will be required to present proof of vaccination when entering the sports complex
  • Youth Leagues, Programs, and Contracts:Under Ontario’s regulations, youth participants under the age of 18 are exempt from requiring proof of vaccine to participate.Coaches, Bench Staff, and
  • Game Officials that are 18 or olderwill be requiredto present proof of vaccination.Sports organizations (e.g. minor hockey associations) that wish to implement additional vaccination requirements for their participants will be responsible for communicating and managing their protocols separately.
  • Spectators + Wild Wing:All spectators that are aged 12 or older, including Wild Wing patrons, will be required to present proof of vaccination to enter the sports complex.


Events Outside Oakville


OHGHA events occurring outside the Town of Oakville will be subject to the applicable COVID-19 protocols which govern events hosted by the facility.  We will do our best to keep affected members informed of the applicable protocols in advance of each OHGHA event.

As the pandemic continues, OHGHA will take all reasonable steps within its power to reduce the spread of COVID-19. High vaccine uptake in Ontario combined with other public health measures, masking, and physical distancing, will provide us with the best opportunity to keep our athletes on the ice. 


Visit the town's COVID-19 information page for more detailed information about their proof of vaccination requirements. To learn more about Ontario’s proof of vaccination program, please visit the provincial website for Frequently Asked Questions.

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