Evaluations Schedule (Oakville Hornets)

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Recent & Upcoming Evaluations

Thank you for registering for the 2023/2024 season!

Please click on your division below to see House League assessment schedules.

Please note that the schedule contains columns indicating “Last Name”. Please plan to attend BOTH Saturday and Sunday (except U18/U22 – it is Sunday only) for the time slots indicated for your last name. E.g. U11 player with a last name starting with “D” would attend on Saturday at 9:30am at Canlan Ice Sports (4) and Sunday 10:30am at Canlan Ice Sports (4).

Key points for the Assessment skates:

  • Please arrive DRESSED in your hockey equipment 20min before your scheduled assessment skates to allow for sign-in registration and to put on your skates.
  • You may wear any jersey you have available for the assessments (preferably your red and white if you are a returning player). 
  • Remember to bring your own filled water bottle.
  • Please refer back to the website periodically for any changes or updates. 
  • U18/22 Assessment skate on Sunday only will be a scrimmage.  Please bring your red and white jerseys.

    Players will be assigned to teams after the assessment skates and will receive a detailed email by their assigned Coach with the schedule before September 30th weekend when the house league season begins.
No recent or upcoming evaluations have been scheduled