Tryout Schedule (Oakville Hornets)

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Recent & Upcoming Tryouts

Please bring with you a light and dark (red) jersey with you to all tryouts

Tryouts Information and Registration 

Please read the tryout policy and the release policy. For those new to rep please also read what rep is all about.
Try out registration is open until April 20th. 
at 11:59pm!

Hornets Tryout Policy:

Hornets Release Policy:

Hornets Tryout Registration Link:

Please click Oakville Hornets GHA : RAMP Registrations 

What is REP hockey ?
Please click HERE to find out more


Non-Resident Players Eligibility for Rep Teams

The Board of Directors has approved a limited number only of imports for U18AA, U15AA, U13AA and U11AA for the 2025/2026 season. The Coaches of these teams are at liberty to offer spots to import players currently playing for the Oakville Hornets. For any new import players, these Coaches must get the import player approved by the Director of Rep. We do not allow for imports at the A levels and below in with the exception of the goalie position division. Import Players will be allowed on other level Rep teams on a specific exceptional basis only, as determined by the Board.

Non-resident players interested in playing rep are encouraged to contact the coaches of their local association.  

Good luck to everyone during this process!

Please check for updates to rep tryout schedule when posted shortly.

Rep Team Tryout Letters to follow.

No recent or upcoming tryouts have been scheduled